Hyperopia treatment

Hyperopia treatment

Hyperopia or farsightedness, as an eye disease is called, when the ability to clearly see objects located close to a person is lost. This is due to the eyeball focusing the image behind the retina, due to its irregular shape. Treatment of hyperopia with traditional methods is a rather lengthy and not always effective procedure. Some traditional treatments for hyperopia are glasses and contact lenses.   

The most common treatment for hyperopia is wearing glasses. However, despite the advantages, glasses have a lot of disadvantages and bring a lot of inconvenience to their owner. For example, they significantly limit the ability of peripheral vision, impair spatial perception, which is very important, especially for drivers. In addition, a glass lens shattered in an accident, for example, can cause serious injury to drivers. They often slip and fall, get dirty, fog up, and also make it difficult to play sports or other form of physical activity. In addition, glasses do not provide a 100% cure for hyperopia. Also, improperly selected lenses can cause eye fatigue, as a result of which hyperopia will only progress. But, one way or another, today glasses are the cheapest, safest and easiest method for correcting hyperopia.   

Farsightedness can be treated with contact lenses. They are used to correct hyperopia, which can sometimes be accompanied by amblyopia, that is, low vision. The use of contact lenses, in these cases, has a therapeutic value, since the lens, creating only a clear image on the eyeball, stimulates vision to develop and recover. Despite the significant advantages, and wearing lenses is accompanied by feelings of discomfort and inconvenience. Some people for a long time cannot get used to the fact that there is a foreign object in their eye.    

 Often, treatment of hyperopia with the help of contact persons can cause complications such as the appearance of an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of permanent redness of the eyeball. Even people who are used to contact lenses can be prone to infectious complications, even as severe as complete loss of vision. But contact lenses, today, are an alternative option for correcting vision with glasses.    

However, complete treatment of hyperopia with glasses or contact lenses is not possible. The most effective, currently the only, method of treating hyperopia is laser eye microsurgery. Modern ophthalmology clinics use the latest in vision correction technologies. Laser correction is the most reliable method for correcting hyperopia. As a rule, the results from such an operation are positive, and practically have no side effects.     

Hyperopia is also treated with a progressive method of laser correction. Such treatments for hyperopia are bloodless, completely painless, and almost 100% effective. The advantages of this operation also include its duration, which is only 5 minutes.   

But in order not to have to apply the treatment of hyperopia , it is necessary to take measures of its prevention. Firstly, the visual load should be only in good, best of all, daylight, or using the light of a table lamp. Vo-the second, visual load must alternate with the physical. After increased eye strain, active, mobile rest is recommended. Thirdly, during active eye loads, special exercises are recommended every 30 minutes. 

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