Laser vision correction – myths and reality

Laser vision correction – myths and reality

With regard to laser vision correction, there are a lot of prejudices that often have nothing to do with reality. Why is it so difficult to answer. Maybe the basis of these prejudices are unwarranted fears, fear of losing sight or some other factors. Let’s try to figure out what is a myth, and what is the truth about laser vision correction.

  1. Laser vision correction is a painful procedure.

Truth: Laser correction is performed under local drip anesthesia and is an almost painless procedure. High-quality anesthetics are used. Feelings during the procedure itself can be compared with the discomfort that we experience during dental treatment with prior anesthesia. It feels touch, but there is no pronounced pain.

  1. Laser vision correction is not recommended before delivery.

Truth: Laser vision correction can be done both before and after pregnancy and childbirth. There is not a single scientific article, not a single clinical study has been conducted, the results of which would reliably establish that pregnancy and childbirth somehow affect the final result of laser correction and the stability of visual functions. In addition, laser correction in the future is not a contraindication for natural childbirth.

  1. After laser vision correction, it is necessary to refrain from visual stress for some time.

Truth: You can read, write, work with a computer and phone immediately after correcting your vision. Visual loads do not adversely affect the restoration of vision and consolidation of the result.

  1. During the laser vision correction can be blind.

Truth: It is impossible to go blind because of the very idea and the adaptability of the operation. Excimer laser affects only the surface tissue of the cornea. No deep cuts and punctures are made. In the entire history of laser surgery, there was not a single case that a man went blind.

  1. It is not known what will happen to the eye 10-15 years later after laser vision correction.

Truth: The first laser correction using the LASIK method was performed almost 30 years ago. It is safe to say that we know the long-term negative effects of the intervention. They are simply not there! If in the future there is a need for other operations, such as replacing the lens due to cataracts, laser correction is not a contraindication for such interventions.

  1. Exercise and pressure drops after correction can lead to visual impairment and even blindness.

Truth: A month after the laser vision correction, absolutely all restrictions are lifted. You can do any, including contact sports. Air flights even in the early postoperative period are not contraindicated . Many civilian and military pilots have undergone the procedure of laser vision correction.

  1. Doctors themselves, as well as many public people wear glasses and do not do laser vision correction.Probably, they know something?

Truth: Indeed, many people do not dare to laser vision correction. Each has its own reason. Someone can not overcome their fears and doubts, for someone glasses are part of the image, someone contact lenses are completely satisfied as a way of life. There are many examples when a person decides on laser correction and after that continues to wear glasses without diopters. As for doctors, in our clinic you will not find a single specialist with glasses. Today, laser correction is the most massive operation in the world. This applies not only to ophthalmology, but medicine in general.Every year, around 3 million laser correction procedures are carried out worldwide .

  1. The results of the correction cannot be foreseen, as the laser may make a mistake.

Truth: In many ways, the success of laser correction, namely, the sharpness and quality of vision that we receive, depend on the equipment. The system itself is fully automated. The human factor is minimized, and the probability of an error in the laser is excluded. Absolutely all corneal irregularities are taken into account and eliminated. Often it is possible to achieve visual acuity of 120% and even 150%.

  1. Vision in the evening suffers significantly, as areoles appear around light sources.Headlights of oncoming cars can disorient on the road.

Truth: The so-called halo effect can be observed in the first 1.5 – 2 months, then it passes without a trace. The overwhelming majority of patients (up to 95%) do not experience difficulties with driving a car in the evening on the second day after the laser vision correction.

  1. After 40 years, laser correction is not recommended.

Truth: Laser correction is done in 45 years and even in 47 years. Not always the passport age corresponds to the biological . Therefore, if you are over 40 years old and you wish to do laser vision correction, you need to undergo an examination. In each case, the question of the possibility of laser correction is solved individually.

What is better to choose: contact lenses or laser vision correction?

Contact lenses appeared in the 50s of the last century and since then they have become increasingly popular. Over the past decade , significant progress has been made in the field of contact vision correction. Contact lenses were made from more inert, hypoallergenic materials. They became soft, even thinner, “breathing”. You can often hear that contact lenses are completely safe and harmless to the eyes. But is it? Let’s try to figure out where the truth is, and where the information is presented in a somewhat distorted form.

  1. Contact lenses are suitable for everyone.

Truth: A contact lens is a foreign body that comes into contact with the living tissues of the eyeball. When a patient first turns to optics in order to pick up contact lenses, he is usually told that the adaptation period does not exceed two days. In practice, up to 20% of patients who try to wear contact lenses for the first time cannot get used to them at all. In many ways, the ability to wear contact lenses depends on the threshold of sensitivity, which, as you know, is different for each individual .   h
categories, laser correction department. Doctor expert.

  1. Contact lenses are absolutely safe for health.

Truth: Bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis are often found among patients who regularly use contact lenses. Even compliance with the rules of hygiene and proper handling of contact lenses do not exclude the likelihood of infectious complications. Lenses of monthly and quarterly wearing, so that you do not care for them, accumulate protein in themselves, which is a nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms.

  1. Modern contact lenses are breathable and provide excellent oxygen.

Truth: To some extent this is true when compared with lenses that were issued more than 10 years ago. Without exception, contact lenses partially delay the flow of oxygen to the cornea. Each ophthalmologist can determine the effects of wearing contact lenses. The so-called “ingrown vessels” – a classic sign of oxygen deficiency of the cornea. As a rule, this applies to patients with the experience of wearing contact lenses for more than 5 years.

  1. Contact lenses can be worn for life.

Truth: in theory, this is true, but in practice, many people closer to the age of 40-45 are forced to abandon the use of soft contact lenses. There are several reasons for this.

First, over the years, reduced tear production and changing the qualitative composition of tears, because of what the eye stops normally perceives a contact lens.

Secondly, closer to 45 years of age, hyperopia begins to develop, a person begins to experience difficulties while reading, working with a telephone and a computer. For many, this comes as a surprise, especially when an ophthalmologist at a reception says that it is necessary to wear eyeglasses over contact lenses. It is extremely rare for patients to decide on the use of such a combination in their daily lives.

Thirdly, the so-called ingrown vessels of the cornea, which have already been mentioned earlier. They appear in almost all people with great experience wearing contact lenses. Ingrown vessels interfere with the normal fit of the contact lens on the surface of the eyeball, which is why a person begins to experience discomfort while wearing them.

So, if you are still a supporter of contact lenses, if you are not embarrassed by all of the above facts, you can continue to continue to use contact lenses. This is a good alternative to spectacle correction. But do not forget that sooner or later the moment will come when you will be forced to switch to glasses. If you are worried about the prospect of using glasses in the future, you should think about excimer- laser vision correction.

Laser vision correction will completely relieve you of all the above problems. We will not dwell in detail on the advantages of laser vision correction before spectacle correction and correction with soft contact lenses. This has already been said a lot.

Laser vision correction is the choice of a modern person who wants to gain complete independence.

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