Eye injuries

Eye injuries

Eye injuries are the most common causes of blindness and visual disability. Eye injuries can be the result of mechanical, thermal, chemical traumatic factors affecting the eye, and, in addition, radiation injuries.

Eye injuries are differentiated according to features depending on the situation in which the eye injury occurred. As a rule, they distinguish between industrial, domestic and military eye injuries.

After receiving an eye injury, it is very important to promptly seek qualified medical help from an ophthalmologist, where the victim can be helped. It often happens that even an hour or a day of delay can adversely affect the condition of the injured eye. Post-traumatic complications in the form of protrusion of the inner ocular membrane, hemorrhage inside the eyeball, infection of the injured eye can make it impossible to restore vision in the injured eye.

In addition to specialized care, first aid to an injured person with an eye injury plays an important role . Every person should know the basic steps. 

Trauma to the eyeball is often combined with trauma to the brain. A bandage of sterile bandage should be applied to the injured eye and the victim should be sent to a clinic or ambulance station as soon as possible. You cannot force the victim to walk on their own – this threatens with cerebral hemorrhage, after which death occurs.

If the victim is injured in the century, then the nearby tissue must be wiped with brilliant green. A bandage from a sterile bandage is applied to the wound and the victim is urgently delivered to the hospital. If an eyelid is injured, it cannot be washed with anything. Do not cut or tear off hanging pieces of leather. If, upon receiving an injury, the eyelid came off, then it must be taken with you to the doctor, wrapped in a sterile bandage.

A foreign object that has penetrated the eyelid becomes the cause of not only discomfort and pain, but also increased tearing. If the object is located behind the lower eyelid, then it will most likely come out on its own when blinking. If the object does not come out, then you can, standing in front of the mirror, turn the eyelid on your own and pull out the foreign body. Having found a foreign object, it should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in clean water or with a corner of a napkin.

If a foreign body has penetrated under the upper eyelid, then it cannot get out of there on its own. Over time, while the object is in the eye, it can damage the lining of the eyeball or the inner lining of the eyelid itself. In such a situation, it is best to seek professional medical help.

The complexity of the injury is almost impossible to determine with an eye injury. Therefore, you should always bear in mind that the injury can be severe. In this regard, the victim must be taken to any nearby hospital as soon as possible. A sterile bandage is applied to the injured eye prior to transportation.

Acid and alkali in contact with the eye cause chemical eye burns. The action of these substances lasts until they are washed out of the eye with tears or water. In this regard, emergency care for chemical burns is very important.

The most dangerous eye burns are alkaline burns. Alkaline substances, when penetrating into the tissues of the eye, begin to destroy some components of the cornea of ​​the eyeball and penetrate even deeper. Therefore, it is impossible to assess the complexity of an alkaline burn by the external state of the eyes. The state of health of the victim may deteriorate sharply in just a few days. Sending the victim to the hospital as soon as possible is mandatory. 

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