Tremor of the eyelids

Tremor of the eyelids

Tremor of the eyelids is a pathological tremor of the eyelid. As a rule, eyelid tremor begins very unexpectedly, and ends just as abruptly, seemingly without any reason for its occurrence. However, tremors of the eyelids can also be observed that do not leave a person for several days.

Symptoms of eyelid tremors

Usually, eyelid tremors appear on the lower eyelid and, as a rule, outside people do not notice mild tremors. The tremor of the eyelid is arbitrary, that is, uncontrollable. 

Why does eyelid tremor develop

The development of eyelid tremors can be triggered by several factors:

– tremor of the eyelids can be a reaction to the experience of severe stress, in particular if the stress proceeded accompanied by a significant load on vision;

– Overwork and lack of sleep or poor quality sleep can also be the reasons for the development of eyelid tremors;

– too much stress on vision. If a person does not use glasses, and there is a need to wear them, or the existing glasses are no longer sufficient to correct vision, then the eyes during reading and even in their normal state are exposed to great stress, which can lead to the development of eyelid tremors. The greatest strain on the eyes is long-term work at the computer monitor; 

– tremor of the eyelids may be due to dryness of the eyeball. In particular, old people suffer from this phenomenon. The development of dry eyeball at a young age can be the result of working with a computer, wearing corrective lenses, excessive alcohol and coffee consumption, the use of certain medications, and so on; 

– according to neurologists, tremors can occur in people who consume a lot of caffeine; 

– the development of tremor of the eyelids can be influenced by an unbalanced diet, in particular, depleted in magnesium;

– allergy, which is caused by the fact that when rubbing itchy eyes, a large accumulation of histamine comes out, which can penetrate into the ducts of the lacrimal glands. Histamine can cause muscle spasms in the eyelids.

It is necessary to distinguish eyelid tremor from twitching of both eyelids at once and from trembling of one half of the face, since the last two phenomena are distinguished by neurological disorders and require urgent consultation with a specialist.

Eyelid tremor therapy

The tremor of the eyelids can not only be eliminated, but also prevent its development. To do this, you must follow simple measures aimed at eliminating the causes of twitching:

– adequate and quality sleep. Neuropathologists believe that an adult should fully rest for at least seven hours a day. Therefore, you should not get used to “fill up” the necessary time for one or two days off;

– to protect the nervous system, it is recommended to take herbal sedatives – this is a tincture of valerian roots, motherwort, peony, mint leaves;

– to normalize sleep, it is recommended to reduce the amount of drinks containing coffee and alcohol. Also, you should limit the use of energy drinks. Before going to bed, you should drink herbal teas and unsweetened green tea;

– to normalize sleep and eliminate the manifestation of tremor of the eyelids, it is required to establish a diet, include in it as much plant products and cereals as possible. Foods rich in vitamin B are especially useful, as it helps the nervous system to work properly;

– if the need arises, you should not postpone the consultation of an ophthalmologist. If necessary, it is necessary to change contact lenses and glasses for vision correction, since such devices can also negatively affect the innervation of the eyelids.

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