Prevention of visual impairment

Prevention of visual impairment

Prevention of visual impairment is a complex of simple measures that will help to keep it at the proper level for many years. Knowing the factors that can affect visual acuity and   health   the eye, finding out, so to speak, where to expect troubles, you can make up your own system of prevention.

Causes of visual impairment

  • Prolonged eye strain. To cause such a voltage is capable of too bright lighting, or dim. For example, reading in low light or working at a computer in the dark, when against the background of a general lack of light, the bright light of a monitor hits the eyes.
  • Weak muscles of the lens of the eye. Depending on the position from which we look at objects that are at different distances, the lens muscles change its curvature and allow us to consider them well. The appearance of such a problem is not affected by lighting, but by long-term observation of the subject from the same distance. For example, when working at a computer and watching TV for a long time.
  • Impaired blood circulation of the eye. The reason for this can be a violation of internal processes in the body that can only be diagnosed by a doctor after an examination.
  • Dry eyes. As a result of a long concentrated browsing the Internet from a mobile phone, reading fascinating books, etc., we blink less often. This contributes to the drying of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • The deterioration of the retina. It occurs as a result of its aging. The retina contains a special photosensitive pigment, thanks to which we see.

Among the factors affecting eye health may also be heredity, eye injuries, age-related changes and some viral diseases.

Symptoms signaling the need to see a specialist

The main measure for the prevention of visual impairment is a timely visit to the doctor. It is useful to undergo a routine inspection, especially if you have some doubts about the health of your eyes. Signals to the fact that it is time to see a doctor may be the following symptoms:

  • Vague or unsharp vision of objects, which were previously easy for you to consider.
  • Temporary loss and blurred vision.
  • Excessive tearing and itching around the eyes.
  • Redness and   pain   In eyes.
  • Pain in the eyes from bright light or prolonged eyestrain.

Nutrition as prevention

It is no secret to anyone that the important part of preventing any ailments is correct   nutrition. Prevention of visual impairment is no exception. To maintain eye health, nutrition must be balanced, full of vitamins, minerals and other essential substances.

As a preventive measure, enrich your diet with vitamins such as vitamin A, B, E, C, D. Also, the presence of calcium in the diet is extremely important for the scleral shell of the eye. Include foods rich in minerals such as magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron in your diet. Especially useful are liver, meat, sesame, legumes, pumpkin seeds and parsley, as well as fish, lentils, cheeses, seafood and dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. You can start taking vitamin-mineral complex, the choice of which must be agreed with the doctor in advance.

As a means of prevention, add foods such as pumpkin, carrot and parsley juice to your diet. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, parsley juice has a positive effect on visual acuity, and pumpkin is rich in carotene, which is essential for reducing vision.

Also good for eye health are honey, dogrose and cranberry decoctions, pomegranate juice.

What does the prevention system include?

The prevention system includes a set of preventive measures to restore or maintain eye health and visual acuity. For example, the prevention of eye diseases in the form of hygienic measures that prevent infection. Also, the system of prevention includes a list of certain rules, the implementation of which is necessary to preserve the health of the eye:

  • When staying behind a computer monitor for a long time, it is very useful to occasionally look at the most distant object, then cover your eyes with your hands for a few seconds so that they will be in complete darkness. This will help them relax.
  • Equip your workplace with proper lighting. The light should not be diffused, flickering, too bright, dim or blinking.
  • Do not overdo it with the use of sunglasses in overcast or in the evening, indoors.
  • Watch your posture. In some cases, pinching of the nerves in the cervical spine can cause a decrease in vision.
  • Try to avoid hard-to-read, poorly typed texts. This will favorably affect both the vision and the state of the nervous system.
  • Allow enough time for sleep. At this time, our eyes, like the entire body, rest and recover.
  • Excessive use of alcohol threatens to increase intraocular pressure and the risk of developing cataracts. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits. Eat well, drink enough fluids.

Hygiene prevention measures

  • Do not touch your face with dirty hands, do not rub your eyes.
  • Do not use the same towel with people with infectious eye diseases.
  • Hygiene products must be individualized.
  • It is also better not to share your makeup for the eyes and not to take someone else’s use. For example, mascara, eyeliner, brushes, sponges. This is especially true of products with a liquid texture, in which various bacteria can accumulate.
  • Choose high-quality cosmetics with safe ingredients. From time to time, clean makeup brushes with running warm water or special products.
  • Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed.
  • If you decide to use contact lenses, remember that only a doctor can pick them up. Observe the rules of hygiene wearing lenses: remove them before bedtime, do not forget to change regularly. Use high quality cleaning solutions.

Eyes Physical Minute

  • Lead your eyes, without turning your head, left-right along the horizontal line. Do 10 repetitions.
  • Then make 10 moves down — up along the vertical line.
  • The same time make the rotating movement of the pupils in a clockwise direction, then against it.
  • Try to squeeze your eyes tight and open 20 times as quickly as possible.
  • Try to rotate your eyes so that the trajectory of their movement forms a figure eight.
  • Blink quickly for 60 seconds without straining your eyes and eyelids.

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