Preventing poor vision in a child

Preventing poor vision in a child

Many eye diseases (nearsightedness or farsightedness,   astigmatism, strabismus) are diagnosed in a person at an early age. To further the child did not face serious problems with vision, parents should take care of prevention in a timely manner. This is especially important if the baby has a hereditary predisposition to eye diseases or he has already become poorly seen.

Activities for the prevention of vision in children are simple. The main thing is a systematic and strict observance of the rules recommended by ophthalmologists.

Prevention of eye damage and injury

Our eyes are an organ that is constantly in contact with the external environment. They are important to protect against injury. And this is especially true in the case of kids – for them, almost any object is potentially dangerous. What to consider the parents of a small child?

  • Scissors, knitting needles, knives, chemicals – all this should be in places inaccessible to children.
  • It is important to protect the eyes of the child from dust – do not walk for a long time outside in dry, windy weather.
  • On walks, do not allow your baby to pick up glass, stones and sharp objects from the ground.
  • With a long stay in the sun, the child’s eyes are best protected with sunglasses. But make sure that the glasses were made of high-quality polymer, which “neutralizes” the harm of ultraviolet radiation.

When the child grows up, tell him about the safety rules for contact with piercing and cutting objects, fire, household chemicals. Explain to him that you can not walk in places where there is a high risk of injury – a forest, abandoned construction sites. Such conversations for the prevention of eye diseases are also conducted by teachers in schools.

Even the slightest eye injury received by a baby can be dangerous. Therefore, if this happens, immediately consult a doctor!

Organization of leisure, work and play area for children

We live surrounded by all sorts of technology. The children, who have not even learned to read yet, sit at the computer, watch TV with gusto, play games on the phone or tablet. All this leads to increased eye strain, which may further affect the quality of the baby’s vision. The whole body of the child, including his organ of vision, is still being formed – any negative factor from the outside can harm the visual system.

Of course, you cannot completely protect a child from danger. But be sure to follow the rules for the prevention of poor vision, organizing your child’s home leisure:

  • Limit the duration of watching TV. Children under 2 years old are not recommended to stay in front of the screen for more than 20 minutes. The “standard” rises a little with age – children from 3 to 6 years old can watch TV for 30-40 minutes. Schoolchildren should spend no more than 2 hours in front of the TV. Make the kid take a 15-minute break every hour while watching cartoons – it’s important to give your eyes a rest.
  • The time spent in front of the computer must also be strictly metered. It is undesirable for babies under 6 years of age to monitor the monitor for more than 20 minutes a day, and for children after 7 years for more than an hour. If poor heredity can be traced, for the purposes of prophylaxis it is better not to allow a child under the age of 12 to linger behind long computer games.
  • Reading, drawing, playing fine motor skills – no more than 1 hour “at a time”. For schoolchildren, time for classes, implying a strain of vision, is limited to two hours.
  • On long journeys by car and on the train, if at all possible, exclude such entertainment for a child as playing on a tablet or watching cartoons on a small screen. Reading is also harmful in moving vehicles.

When children go to school, the load on the organs of vision only increases – classes in the classroom, homework. Be sure to take care of creating the right working space for the child:

  • Good lighting in the room.
  • The desk is better placed near the window, covered with curtains. It is better if the surface of the table is matte.
  • On the table – a lamp emitting warm white light.
  • Watch the child’s posture – the distance to the table from the eyes should be at least 28-30 cm.

Eye disease prevention: simple gymnastics

Prevention of eye diseases includes special gymnastics, which has a positive effect on good eyesight. Regular performance of simple exercises will strengthen the organs of vision and remove unnecessary exercises from them.

Exercises such:

  • To relax your eyes. Ask the child to sit comfortably in a chair and close their eyes. Let him put both palms on his face – without pressure on the eyeballs. In a relaxed state you need to sit for 3-5 minutes.
  • For stress relief from the eyes. Let the baby a few seconds, often-often blinking and closing his eyes.
  • On the oculomotor muscles. It is useful to look alternately up and down, left and right. You can also “draw” with your eyes squares and circles.

“Eye” gymnastics is useful in the intervals between watching cartoons, with long games at the computer. Even doing homework, even if the child is occasionally distracted by the exercises. Ophthalmologists recommend children such classes every 30 minutes of visual loads.

Organization of proper nutrition to improve vision

Prevention of poor vision in children is impossible without a balanced diet.   power supply. If a child gets all the necessary vitamins and minerals with food, the risk of eye diseases is significantly reduced.

Vitamin A is of great importance for the normal functioning of the organs of vision. Enrich the kid’s menu with products that contain it in sufficient quantities – vegetable oils, liver, dairy products, fatty sea fish. Vitamin A in the body can be synthesized from beta-carotene – this substance is in pumpkin, apricots, carrots, persimmon.

Prevention of eye diseases includes the consumption of foods rich in vitamins of group B. They are contained in the liver, cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal).

Do not forget about the importance of vitamin C. Enrich the kid’s menu with citrus fruits, parsley, currants, sea buckthorn.

Regular examinations by an ophthalmologist

Prevention of poor vision in babies should be monitored.   ophthalmologist. Make an appointment with a specialist, preferably every six months. The doctor assesses the condition of the eyelids and lacrimal tubules, examines the mobility of the eyeballs. Visual acuity in the pediatric ophthalmic table is checked when the baby is 4 years old. Schoolchildren’s vision is controlled by the adult table.

Unfortunately, even proper nutrition and strict adherence to the “regimen” does not guarantee that the child will not be diagnosed with eye diseases in the future. If you noticed that the baby began to watch TV closely, does not see well enough into the distance and constantly squinting, consult a doctor! It is important to take measures in time so that the deviation does not progress.

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