Why is one eye blind?

Why is one eye blind?

Imagine your panic when you wake up in the morning and realize that one eye is not seeing. No pain, discomfort, eye injury, fall, just the eye stops seeing in an instant. He may not be blind yet, but his fate depends on how quickly you get qualified medical care. Ophthalmologists at the clinic for laser eye microsurgery at Maerchak tell you what to do if one eye cannot see.

First, let’s look at the cause of the disaster.

Sometimes vision is temporarily lost due to a spasm of the vessel. It is much worse if an arterial thrombosis has occurred.

The main prerequisite for such a situation is atrial fibrillationleft without treatment. Usually, with such a diagnosis, anticoagulants are prescribed, which thin the blood. If a person does not take prescribed medications, blood clots form and eventually break out into the bloodstream. The “favorite” vessel for blood clots is the ophthalmic artery. When a blood clot blocks the artery of the eye, vision disappears abruptly. The blood flow stops, the retina remains without food. The retina is very sensitive to oxygen deficiency. The resulting blood clot will affect the eye in parts. If the formed thrombus is small, one segment of the eye flies out. The area left without food ceases to function and soon dies. If you notice that some part of the image “falls out”, contact an ophthalmologist immediately.

The danger of this condition in the absence of symptoms, discomfort – everything happens instantly. You need to act just as quickly.

If vision disappears partially, patients still hope that it will return by itself. Or they simply do not pay attention, attributing a sharp drop in vision to fatigue. As a result, the changes become irreversible, and vision can no longer be restored without a retinal transplant. Therefore, the first thing to do if one eye does not see is to urgently contact a specialized clinic. Equally important are your actions on the way to the hospital.

First aid if one eye is blind

To “squeeze out” a blood clot from the eye, you need to expand the vessel. To do this, close the sore eye, rhythmically press on it and release. Another option to expand the vessels is to breathe into the bag. Carbon dioxide entering the blood pushes the clot.

The clinic will provide you with emergency care. To restore blood flow in the central artery, vasoconstrictor drugs are used, excess eye fluid is removed.

Patients who have suffered acute retinal vascular obstruction should be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist and therapist. They should not engage in heavy physical exertion, be in an inclined position for a long time. It is worth taking care of the nervous system: more rest, try not to worry about trifles. After all, stress also provokes vasospasm and exacerbates cardiovascular disease.

It is in your power to prevent vascular pathology, it is in our power to prevent complications and preserve your vision.

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