Measurement of eye pressure – why, how and when to check it

Measurement of eye pressure – why, how and when to check it

Eye pressure is an indicator of the health of your eyes. If it is elevated, then you make a confident step every day towards blindness. Find out why it is important to measure intraocular pressure 2 times a year after 40 years

Why measure eye pressure?

This is about   glaucoma   – eye disease that caused irreversible blindness   1 in   the world. The main symptom of glaucoma   – elevated intraocular pressure . The main method of dealing with   glaucoma that is proven to stop vision loss   – decrease in pressure. It is quite obvious that, not  knowing the numbers of IoT, you can not speak either   about   early detection of glaucoma nor   about   control of the disease.

What else is the danger of high eye pressure?

the main problem   – absence of symptoms. Man absolutely not   feels pain or discomfort until pressure numbers   reached very high values. At the same time, being even slightly above the norm, increased ophthalmotonus (as ophthalmologists call eye pressure) has a detrimental effect on  vision.

Please try to remember when was the last time you   measured pressure in   eyes and   generally measured   Do at least once   of life?

Why is eye pressure not measured at home?

Amazing but   for ophthalmologists all over the world, this is still a long way to go. Have   All houses have a thermometer or a tonometer, which is very easy to use and   they are available by   price Measure   same IOP can only in   clinic in   private ophthalmologic clinic or in   Eye Hospital of the hospital, because we need either special skills and   tools or expensive equipment.

How often should intraocular pressure be controlled ?

Control intraocular pressure you   must times   year if healthy and   at least once   2   months if there is a diagnosis of glaucoma or suspected   her

Pressure measurement is included in all standard eye examination programs. If you go to the clinic only to control pressure, it will not be expensive.

How is intraocular pressure measured ?

Objectively measuring eye pressure can only be applied with a certain force to flatten the cornea. Mathematically, it is calculated how much effort to flatten the cornea corresponds to the pressure inside the eye. This principle is used in   different devices, techniques and   appliances like u  adults and alike   at   children.

The following are the main methods for measuring IOP .


Great popularity received pneumotonometry. Their   advantage   – they are contactless. For flattening the cornea, a stream of air is used, and   the camcorder measures the flattening zone. Minus to   sorry   – less accuracy, especially at high pressure. Pneumatic monometers ideal for routine inspections.

Maklakov’s tonometer

AT   United States the role of such an eye tonometer perform weights weighing 10 grams   – this is Maklakov’s tonometer . is he   easy to   circulation and   gives fairly accurate results. On   its surface is painted. AT   eyes buried painkiller drops. Holding eyelids tied on   cornea The resulting print is transferred to   paper and   a special ruler measure the diameter of the print.

Tonometer Goldman

Works by   to such   same principle as   Maklakov’s tonometer , but   more accurately. Under the microscope, the doctor leans the tonometer to   corneal surfaces and   combines optical tags   – on   the scale immediately sees the pressure numbers.

Air analyzer Ora

The eye pressure is most accurately measured by a device that takes into account the thickness and   corneal tissue strength   – ORA. It is particularly important therefore to check eye at   patients after surgery   vision correction, such as Fedorov notches or LASIK.

Determination of intraocular pressure at home

Fifth, there are blood pressure monitors that measure pressure through the eyelid. Most often their   I use in   home conditions patients with   glaucoma for more precise control of treatment. They are expensive.

Palpation method

An experienced doctor can determine the approximate pressure range with   using the pads of your fingers. Doctor leans fingertips to   upper eyelid patient and   by   queue pushes them on   eyeball, feeling the degree of its elasticity. Is not   objective control method but   in   in many cases sufficient, for example in   after operations on   the eyeball, when it is impossible to measure intraocular pressure by contact.

10 dangerous eye symptoms

Examination by an ophthalmologist can detect eye diseases in the early stages.

It is natural that with age the risk of various diseases increases. Eyes are not an exception: age-related cataracts, retinal dystrophy … Just a regular examination by an ophthalmologist allows early detection of serious eye diseases and prevent possible loss of vision.

In some cases, for example, with an acute attack of glaucoma, the score goes not for days, but for hours: the earlier the treatment is started, the higher the chances of restoring vision. Knowing some of the signs of eye diseases will help you seek professional help in a timely manner.

Sharp vision loss in one eye.

If you are over 60 years old, and especially if you have myopia, arterial hypertension, diabetes, systemic diseases, there is a risk that the loss of vision is caused by vascular disorders – occlusion of the central retinal artery or thrombosis of the central vein.

In such cases, time is spent on the clock, and only in time rendered specialized assistance will help restore vision, otherwise irreversible blindness of the affected eye occurs.

The feeling before the eyes of a black curtain that obscures part of the field of view

The sensation in front of the eyes of a black or translucent curtain from the periphery. This symptom is often observed in retinal detachment . The condition requires immediate hospitalization. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of restoring vision.

A sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, may be nausea, vomiting

These may be signs of an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma. The intraocular pressure rises sharply, which can damage the optic nerve. Immediate reduction in intraocular pressure, up to surgical treatment, is shown. Do not wait until the pain passes. Urgently consult a doctor.

Gradual or severe narrowing of the visual field

Gradual or sharp narrowing of the field of view, resulting in the ability to see only what is located directly in front of you – the so-called “tubular” vision. You may have glaucoma , one of the main signs of which is a narrowing of the visual field as a result of damage to the optic nerve.

Without appropriate conservative or surgical treatment, vision will deteriorate. The terminal stage of glaucoma is a complete loss of vision. There may be severe pain that does not stop even after surgery and that, in the end, requires removal of the eye.

Gradual deterioration of the central vision, blurriness, distortion of the image (straight lines appear wavy, curved)

These may be symptoms of macular degeneration – a dystrophic disease of the central area of ​​the retina – the macula, which plays the most important role in providing vision. The incidence increases dramatically with age.

Without supportive treatment, vision gradually deteriorates, glasses do not help. Currently, there are various treatment options that are applied depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Also, a sudden decrease in vision may be due to a macular retinal tear, i.e. retinal rupture in the central zone. It is necessary to immediately contact an ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis, as the retinal tear in the macular region, with no treatment started in time, leads to irreversible loss of vision.

Fog before eyes, decrease in brightness and contrast

These symptoms can be caused by a developing cataract – clouding of the lens. Vision deteriorates gradually, eventually decreasing to the ability to distinguish only light. In most cases, emergency medical care is not required. At a certain stage, a planned surgical treatment is performed – removal of a cataract with the implantation of an artificial lens.

However, periodic observation by an ophthalmologist is recommended, since in some cases a cataract may be accompanied by an increase in intraocular pressure, which requires urgent surgical treatment. In addition, as the cataract develops, the crystalline lens becomes more and more solid and increases in size, which can complicate the operation to remove it, so you need to visit a specialist regularly to determine the optimal time for surgical treatment.

Dark spots, floating opacities, fog or feeling of veil before eyes

If you have diabetes, it may be signs of diabetic retinopathy – retinal damage caused by diabetes. As diabetes mellitus progresses or its decompensation progresses, the risk of eye complications increases dramatically.

You should regularly visit an ophthalmologist to inspect the day of the eye, as changes in the blood vessels and the retina itself, retinal and vitreous hemorrhages can cause irreversible vision loss.

The ophthalmologist will prescribe a therapy for your eyes, which may not only be based on certain medications, laser treatment is often required, other methods of treatment can also be used. Laser retinal coagulation performed in time is the only way to preserve vision in diabetes mellitus.

The feeling of burning, sand in the eyes, the feeling of a foreign body, tearing or, conversely, a feeling of dryness.

Such complaints occur in dry eye syndrome , the frequency and degree of which increase with age. Usually it is primarily about discomfort and the deterioration of the quality of life, rather than any danger to the eyes.

However , severe dry eye syndrome can cause some serious pathological conditions. Your ophthalmologist will tell you more about dry eye syndrome, conduct the necessary examinations, recommend which moisturizing drops are best for you.

Double Images

Split, when viewed with one or two eyes, can be caused by a variety of reasons, both from the side of the eyes and other organs: intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases of the nervous system, endocrine pathology. If suddenly there is a double vision in his eyes, immediately contact the therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

Floating opacities before eyes

Usually floating spots, threads, “spiders” before the eyes are explained by the destruction of the vitreous body . It is a non-hazardous condition associated with age-related changes in the structure of the vitreous body – a transparent gel-like content that fills   eyeball. With age, the vitreous body becomes less dense, liquefies, and is not as tightly attached to the retina as before, its fibers stick together among themselves, lose their transparency, cast a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in our field of view.

Such floating opacities are clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. Arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, head injuries, eye and nose injuries, etc. can lead to destruction of the vitreous body.

However, a sudden spot before the eyes, the “curtain” can be caused by a serious pathology requiring urgent treatment – for example, retinal or vitreous hemorrhage. If symptoms occur abruptly, in one day, immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

If you have any symptoms that were previously absent from the view, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. If the vision has deteriorated dramatically in a few hours or days, the pain worries, do not waste time. Even if it is not possible to consult with your ophthalmologist,

As a last resort, in many optics, experienced ophthalmologists are receiving who will conduct the minimum necessary examinations and give recommendations for further actions.

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