How to put on and take off contact lenses?

How to put on and take off contact lenses?

The question of how to put on lenses worries every beginner. Carefully read our instructions: in the article we will step by step analyze the procedure and answer the most common questions.
The first session of putting on and taking off contact lenses should be under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Before buying, be sure to undergo a vision and eye test to determine which diopters are right for you and if there are any indications for complex correction lenses. You can
get a specialist consultation on the terms of optics and a free first pair of Bausch&Lomb ® contact lenses by issuing a certificate on our website.
How to put on lenses for the first time
All you need to try on lenses yourself is a mirror, a special care solution, a pair of lenses with a container. It is better to adapt to wear lenses in front of a window or in a room with good lighting. Mentally repeat the instructions of the ophthalmologist on how to properly wear contact lenses – and proceed.
Step 1 Wash your hands
The usual hygiene ritual takes on additional importance when it comes to contact lenses. The fact is that with such close contact, bacteria from the skin can easily settle on the material from which the lens is made, and from it they will go straight into the eye, which can lead to inflammation. To avoid this, use unscented soap and rinse thoroughly with running water. Then dry your hands with a towel or wipes that do not leave lint. Getting a villus between the lens and the eyeball can also lead to unpleasant consequences: pain, tearing, injury to the cornea or infection, damage to the lens.
Do not lubricate your hands with cream: the composition will remain on the lens, and irritation is guaranteed.
Use a disinfectant solution as a last resort.
Step 2: Take out the lens
For now, one. If the packaging is new, open the blister with the desired lens, if you are using it repeatedly, remove it from the container compartment. Determine and remember which eye is more convenient for you to start with: this way you will not confuse outwardly identical lenses with different diopters.
Both in the blister and in the container, the lens floats in a special solution that disinfects, cleans and protects it from drying out. Gently remove the lens with the tip of your index finger.
Step 3. Examine the lens
The lens surface must be smooth, moist, free of tears, scratches and foreign particles. If you notice lint, rinse the lens with a solution. Scratches and breaks indicate that the lens needs to be replaced.
Pay attention to the shape of the lens. If it is turned inside out the side you need, its edges will be turned up, like a bowl. If the lens lay inside out, it will look like a plate in shape – with the edges curved outward. In addition, you can carefully connect the edges of the lens. If they close, like shell doors, everything is in order, if they bend in different directions, the lens must be turned out. In this case, pour a little solution into the palm of your hand, place the lens in it and carefully turn it to the desired side.
Step 4 Put on your lens
Lightly pull the eyelid – the lower eyelid, look up or to the side. Then gently press the lens against the eyeball. It is important that no air bubbles remain between the lens and the cornea. Close your eyes, make a few rotational movements. Open your eyes and look in different directions. The lens will center and “sit down” in place. Blink carefully. Comfortable? So everything worked out!
Putting on lenses for the first time is not difficult, but it is better to practice. A couple of days before the first fitting, several times a day, with clean hands, pull back the eyelid and lightly touch the eyeball. This will allow you to get used to being touched so that you don’t blink at the crucial moment.
Step 5: Empty the Container
After the lenses are put on, it’s time to take care of the container. Pour out the old solution, rinse the container with fresh solution and lay upside down on a clean paper towel to dry.
How to remove contact lenses
How to remove lenses from your eyes:

  1. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly.
  2. Rinse the compartment of a clean and dry container.
  3. Pour fresh solution into it.
  4. Gently pull back the lower eyelid, use the tip of your index finger to move the lens from the center down and grab it with a pinch of your index and thumb.
  5. Feel free to throw away the one-day lens. Immerse the planned replacement lens into the appropriate compartment of the container. Make sure it is completely covered with the solution.
  6. Close the container tightly and repeat the procedure with the other eye.
    At the end of a day spent wearing lenses, your eyes may need extra moisture. If you feel dryness, use artificial tears and contact an ophthalmologist for advice as soon as possible.
    It is correct to remove the lenses from the eyes for the first time over a surface such as a table. If the lens slips out, you will find it without any problems.
    What happens if you wear lenses inside out?
    Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen. A lens worn inside out will feel uncomfortable, will not snap into place, and will be very mobile compared to a properly worn lens. Gently remove the lens, wash it in a multipurpose solution and try again. Another case – the lens is stuck under the eyelid. To take it out, relax your eyelid, try to feel or feel where it is. Pull back the eyelid, make sure that the lens is there – and with massaging movements move it to the center or to the corner of the eye – where it will be easier to get it. If you cannot remove the lens yourself, seek medical advice.
    Can you sleep in lenses?
    The ability to sleep in lenses depends on their characteristics: hydrophilicity and oxygen permeability. The mode of wearing lenses is indicated on the packaging. Ophthalmologists do not recommend exceeding the specified period of continuous wearing: this is fraught with irritation of the mucous membrane and other troubles.
    You learned how to put on lenses for the first time, and how to remove lenses for a beginner. At first, these manipulations may seem complicated, but over time they will become a habit and become completely familiar, the main thing is not to forget about the rules of hygiene and regular visits to the ophthalmologist.

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