Inflammation of the lining of the eye

Inflammation of the lining of the eye

Inflammation of the lining of the eye is called uveitis in ophthalmology.

The first symptoms of inflammation of the membrane of the eyes may well be overlooked, since they are non-specific . In addition, at the very beginning of development, inflammation of the lining of the eye does not take a person out of the usual daily routine. Meanwhile, even at this stage, vision may lose clarity, and sticks and dots will begin to form in the field of vision. The diagnosis of inflammation of the lining of the eye is made on the basis of an ophthalmologic examination.

The danger of inflammation of the lining of the eye is that this disease can be accompanied by such serious ailments as glaucoma and cataracts.

Treatment of inflammation of the lining of the eye

Under the condition of very rapid development of inflammation of the membrane of the eye, already upon detection of the first manifestations of the disease, one should consult an eye specialist.

For the treatment of anterior inflammation of the membrane of the eye, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are used.

As drugs against inflammation, glucocorticoid drugs and cytostatic drugs are used. Medication is prescribed depending on the causes of the disease. For the treatment of inflammation of the membrane of the eye, the drug prednisolone is prescribed, two drops of a suspension in the affected eye. For the first four hours, drops are instilled every hour, then, as the eye condition improves, the dose is reduced. In addition to prednisolone, you can use dexamethasone in the form of eye drops.  

Part of the treatment for inflammation of the lining of the eyes is cycloplegia medication. In the process of this procedure, the formed adhesions are absorbed, and the drugs prevent the formation of new pathological tissues. For this purpose, preparations of homatropine hydrobromide are used, which is instilled into the injured eye, two drops twice a day. If the disease persists, a drip of scopolamine hydrobromide is prescribed every three to four hours. Alternatives to these drugs include drugs such as adrenaline and cocaine. The familiar drug for eliminating ophthalmic problems, atropine, is not recommended, in particular, if there is discharge from the diseased eye. 

In the process of recovery and abatement of inflammation, absorbable agents are prescribed, introduced using the electrophoresis procedure.

Rear shell inflammatory eye treatment involves the use of preparations of similar composition as in the treatment of the anterior of the eye membrane inflammation.

Contraindications to the use of the drug may be individual intolerance to the drug. Medication cycloplegia is not performed with angle-closure glaucoma or a tendency to develop it.

Homatropine hydrobromide can adversely affect the patient’s condition, in particular in the treatment of inflammation of the lining of the eye in infants or young children. Local use of glucocorticoid drugs can cause increased pressure inside the eye. In the case of prolonged use of the drug, the development of herpetic keratitis of the eye or cataract may occur.

What can complicate inflammation of the lining of the eye

The accumulation of calcium hydrogen phosphate on the surface of the cornea can cause a significant deterioration in visual function, up to a complete loss of vision. An increase in pressure indicators inside the eyeball and the occurrence of glaucoma are some of the complications of inflammation of the eye membrane. In addition, the complications of inflammation of the lining of the eye include cataracts, vasculitis, retinal infarctions, edema of the nerve of vision, retinal stratification.

The course and outcome of the inflammatory process are determined by the underlying disease. Acute inflammation usually lasts several weeks or months.

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