Computer games improve vision and reduce aggression, but everyone is also dangerous

Computer games improve vision and reduce aggression, but everyone is also dangerous

It is believed that modern children spend too much time sitting at a computer. Is it really? It became known that not only children are interested in computer and gambling. Mail.Ru specialists conducted a study. The results were very interesting. It turns out that only 15% of gamers are schoolchildren and students. The rest are adults, 42% of whom have higher education, who are frequent visitors to gambling clubs, a list of which can be found on the no-deposit site. Moreover, the greatest interest in games was revealed among office workers: 15% of them are gamers. Among retirees was 11% of gamers.  

There are many opinions regarding games, but only a part of them is confirmed by facts, ”said Pavel Sergaziev, a blogger who hosted the YouTube channel about GSTV games and e-sports. He noted that computer games are a new stage in the evolution of traditional games. People have always needed games, as this allows them to explore the world and get rid of negativity.

Let’s figure out which of the most popular stereotypes is true and which are myths.

Shooting gives vent to anger

Most shooters are associated with bloody slaughter, in which many enemies must be destroyed. Even games with less blood can be cruel. But, such games do not provoke aggression. With the help of shooters, children prone to aggressive behavior get rid of the negative.

This relationship was established by psychologists from the University of Yorkshire last year after conducting a comprehensive study. Specialists observed the behavior of more than 3,000 respondents who are fond of various computer games. As a result, they found that games have a positive effect on children.

Children prone to aggression more often played games with elements of violence and cruelty. Thus, they coped with stress and got rid of negative emotions, the scientists noted. Children without such problems also chose games of this genre, but this did not lead to increased aggression.

Deteriorating brain function?

Scientists have found a refutation for this myth. Researchers from the University of Rochester (USA) conducted a series of studies and found out what effect games of different genres have on brain function.

Scientists have found that thanks to shooters, children learn to quickly solve problems and navigate in a new area. Due to the sudden appearance of objects, gamers have to concentrate on certain things. In particular, remember the card. Such training improves brain function.

There are also benefits from games in the genre of strategy. It turns out they develop cognitive plasticity. This is the ability to understand your mistakes and change the course of action when performing certain tasks. Strategy buffs develop a part of the brain that is responsible for behavioral learning by remembering patterns. In this way, strategies improve the quality of behavioral patterns.

Russian experts are also talking about the positive impact of games on brain function. Thus, Maxim Zalilov, head of the department of e-sports at the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism, believes that games develop the necessary skills. As an example, he cited the Counter-Strike shooter, which develops spatial thinking. Another example is Dota 2 in the strategy genre. The game has 120 characters endowed with various abilities. When the captain chooses a way to interact, he works with a huge amount of data and matrices. 

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