

Lagophthalmos is an ophthalmic disease in which a person is unable to completely close their eyes.

The cause of lagophthalmos lies in the immobilization of the facial nerve, which is responsible for the movement of the circular muscles of the eyelid.

Signs and course of lagophthalmos

With lagophthalmos , as a rule, the lower eyelid is significantly pulled downwards. The patient begins to complain of watery eyes. The eye slit does not close completely even with a very diligent attempt to close the eyelids. Accordingly, the eye is slightly open even during sleep. Lagophthalmos eventually becomes the cause of the drying of the cornea of ​​the eye. And this, in turn, can lead to erosion of the cornea, its opacity and keratitis. The condition of lagophthalmos is aggravated by the addition of neuritis, which often occurs after damage to the eyelids.  

Diagnosis of lagophthalmos is not difficult. In addition to tearing and the sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eye, incomplete closure of the palpebral fissure is a serious cosmetic drawback.

Lagophthalmos treatment

Treatment of lagophthalmos consists in instilling disinfectant drops, so-called artificial tears, into the diseased eyes. In order to prevent drying out of the cornea, a special antibacterial ointment, sea buckthorn oil or disinfected petroleum jelly is put into the eye slit during sleep. If Lagophthalmus is severe, then its treatment consists in surgical intervention, during which the doctor sutures the eye lumen a little.

Consequences of lagophthalmos

Disorder of the circulatory process in the main blood vessel of the eye retina manifests itself for no apparent reason. It is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the visual function of the affected eye. Meanwhile, vision can be lost altogether.

The defeat can cover only branches, but not the entire visual system. At first glance, the eye does not change.

In the process of disturbance of the circulatory process of one of the branches of the retinal artery, there is a sharp pallor and puffiness of the fundus, which are established only when examining the area near the affected branch. In such a situation, visual functions are partially preserved, but a certain sector falls out of sight.

The disorder can be triggered by spasmodic movements, blood clots, arteritis, or embolism. These disorders are aggravated by high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and endarteritis, endocarditis and valvular heart disease, chronic infectious diseases.

Treatment of the consequences of lagophthalmos

Treatment is carried out in an inpatient setting and should be started as early as possible. The return of visual function to the patient in the first few days is a very favorable prognosis, but the return of acute vision is given to doctors with great difficulty.

Decreased visual function occurs as quickly as with an arterial disorder and requires immediate examination by a qualified ophthalmologist. But examination of the fundus changes the picture of the disease. At the bottom of the eye, hemorrhages are found in large numbers, dilated veins.

Diagnosis of this disorder is based on the patient’s complaints and analysis of the condition of the fundus.

Treatment of this consequence of lagophthalmos is carried out in stationary conditions. A positive effect against the background of active therapy can be achieved, provided that treatment is started in a timely manner. Therapy continues for several weeks, unfortunately, as a result, after treatment, relapses and complications cannot be completely ruled out. In the last stages, the most effective is the use of laser coagulation.

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