Many people do not pay any attention to their health until it causes particular concern, and vision problems can also be attributed to it. Glasses are the easiest and most affordable way to correct vision, however, they have their drawbacks. Why not rush with glasses? Have you heard of people who have improved their vision with glasses? Most probably not. Thanks to lenses, people get instant results. They can better see objects at a distance or lines in a book, but it is worth removing glasses, as vision deteriorates. The theory of the American ophthalmologist Bates states that the main cause of all visual impairment is the prolonged stress from the effort to see. With myopia, the ability to clearly see objects at a distance worsens, and with farsightedness, on the contrary, the contour of an object located nearby is distorted. Even if the person gets the appropriate glasses, the eyeball will still strain “out of habit”, due to the existing conditioned reflex. Glasses help to correct only the external manifestations of deviations in refraction of the eyes, without eliminating its causes. During the study, most patients said that after wearing glasses after some time, vision began to deteriorate for no apparent reason. Even correctly selected glasses do not stop the progression of an existing disease. And about once a year, repeated examinations should be carried out in order to correct the amount of diopter of new lenses. With age, the situation only worsens, and as a result, the patient may need to replace glasses up to three times a year. Some experts argue that the functioning of any human organ is possible only with the full realization of all available natural potential. If some functions are performed by means of an auxiliary device, the natural regulation gradually atrophies. It was noted that if for some reason the patient was forced to do without glasses for some reason, his vision improved markedly. Based on this, it can be concluded that the lenses, adjusting the refraction process, perform the work of the muscles of the eye and the latter begin to do their job worse and worse, as a result of which vision decreases even more. And what are we doing in this situation? We go to the ophthalmologist for a new prescription glasses. Another feature of the glasses that is harmful to the eyes is that they do not allow the eyes to move much. A healthy eye looks in different directions, often moves, while the lenses in glasses give an image only in a small radius. The eyeball gradually becomes inactive, and the person, accustomed to the glasses, simply turns his head to find an object of interest to him. Over time, blood circulation is disturbed, which further exacerbates the condition of all the tissues of the eye. There are cases in which the constant wearing of glasses even leads to complications – a violation of the color sensitivity of the retina. Patients have increased nervousness. Improperly selected, uncomfortable frames, impair blood circulation in the tissues of the face. Squeezing the temporal vessels, it becomes the cause of constant headaches. Recommendations for those who want to improve eyesight. In general, glasses offer us not very pleasant prospects. So try as far as possible to forget about them. Shoot them as often as possible. It is enough to devote a few minutes a day to your eyesight, and you may not need glasses at all. But in order to part with them, it is necessary to prepare for this step primarily moral. Remember, at first, even a short-term refusal of glasses will be accompanied by some inconvenience, which will gradually decrease. Even with the slightest signs of overstrain, it is necessary to put on the glasses again and not to take them off for a while so that the muscles relax. During the day, regularly take a break from work (especially if it is connected to a computer or papers) and do eye exercises. Simple but effective exercises give results in a week. The best time for them after dinner, when the eyes are already in orderare tired. Each exercise must be repeated at least 5 times: – Horizontal movements from left to right and vice versa; – Vertical movements; – Circular movements of the eyeballs clockwise and counterclockwise; – Intensive squinting and relaxation; – Frequent blinking; – Reduction of a look to a nose, and then on any subject; – The work of the eyes at a distance. Look first into the distance, then look at a closer subject. As your vision improves, you need to see a doctor to replace lenses with less powerful ones. Safety net is necessary, as in some cases it will be necessary to wear glasses to unload overworked eyes. To make the weaning process less uncomfortable, gradually increase the time without glasses every day. For example, without them you can take small walks, listen to music, cook food or talk on the phone. The psychological need for constant wearing of glasses will gradually disappear. If everything is so simple, the question arises. Why do modern ophthalmologists continue to insist on the use of corrective products and the most complex operations? The answer is obvious. The huge profits of optical manufacturers who use our ignorance of their capabilities for enrichment. Therefore, before you go to the ophthalmologist, first try to help your eyes yourself!

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