Pain in the eyes

Pain in the eyes

We all have eye pain at some point in time. Sometimes it goes away on its own, and sometimes it persists for a long time. Doctors of the clinic for laser eye microsurgery on Maerchak warn that eye pain can be caused by serious diseases. Therefore, if you experience eye pain, see your doctor.

Where does it hurt?

First of all, the doctor will ask you which area of ​​the eye hurts. The pain can be localized in a variety of places:

  • the cornea – the transparent shell through which light passes;
  • sclera – the white membrane of the eye;
  • conjunctiva – a thin film on the surface of the sclera under the eyelid;
  • iris – the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil;
  • the eye socket is a depression in the skull where the eyes are located;
  • external eye muscles, which are responsible for eye movement;
  • nerves that transmit visual information from the eye to the brain;
  • eyelids – the outer membranes that protect and moisturize the eyes.

Why does the eye hurt?

Main reasons:

  • blepharitis – inflammation of the edges of the eyelids when ticks, fungi or bacteria enter; 
  • conjunctivitis – inflammation of the conjunctiva due to allergies or infections caused by bacteria or viruses. Due to infection, the blood vessels of the conjunctiva become inflamed, the eye reddens, and the eyelid begins to itch;
  • corneal erosion – trauma or damage to the cornea when a foreign object or mechanical pressure is applied to the eye;
  • keratitis is inflammation of the cornea due to a bacterial or viral infection. Occurs if contact lenses are poorly cleaned or not removed at night;
  • a foreign body in the eye that causes pain and irritation. Usually washed away with tears, but if this does not happen, the foreign body scratches the eye;
  • glaucoma – increased pressure in the eye due to the accumulation of fluid in the eye area. If left untreated, you can go blind in one eye;  
  • iritis or uveitis – inflammation of the iris or choroid of the eyeball due to injury, infection, or disease of the immune system. The pain is combined with redness of the eye and deterioration of vision;
  • optic neuritis – inflammation of the nerve that connects the eye to the brain. The inflammation can be caused by multiple sclerosis. The pain is accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity and discomfort when the eyes move from left to right;
  • sinusitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses;
  • barley – inflammation of the eyelid as a result of infection in the sebaceous gland or hair follicle;
  • chalazion – inflammation of the meibomian gland in the eyelid area; 
  • dry eye syndrome – a feeling of dryness and burning due to insufficient production of tear fluid;
  • migraine – pain behind the eye and in any part of the head, rolling in waves; passes after the end of the attack;
  • general fatigue, eye strain – during prolonged work at the computer or with small objects.

Eye pain treatment

If eye pain is caused by an inflammatory disease, then treatment is carried out using anti-inflammatory ointments and drops, antibiotics and antiviral drugs. For serious illnesses (glaucoma), surgery may be required.

The pain caused by a foreign body disappears after the object is removed. If the object has scratched the eye or eyelid, then soothing and pain-relieving drops are used until the microtrauma heals. Such a manifestation, as a rule, is accompanied by a sharp pain in the eye.

If the pain is caused by overwork or overexertion, then proper rest, a change in visual activity is required. Gymnastics for the eyes or prolonged sleep can help.

Dry eye syndrome is treated with moisturizing drops.

If pain in the eye area is caused by migraines or diseases of the cardiovascular system, then treatment of the underlying disease and consultation of a specialized specialist are required.

Prevention of eye pain

Eye health is important for normal performance and daily activities. Therefore, it is important to monitor your eye health and try to do everything to prevent the disease. The doctors of our clinic advise:

  • strengthen the eye muscles, do gymnastics for the eyes;
  • wash your hands often and do not touch your eyes with dirty hands;
  • visit an ophthalmologist regularly ; 
  • strengthen immunity;
  • Wear safety goggles on construction sites, in dusty rooms and when working with chemicals.

Eye diseases often have similar symptoms. Only an ophthalmologist can correctly determine the disease and choose the appropriate treatment. 

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