A change in the physiological functions characterizing vision fatigue also manifests itself in the form of a decrease in contrast and color sensitivity. Thus, functional visual impairment caused by installation work in the manufacture of electric vacuum devices is associated with both overwork of the eye motor apparatus and general fatigue. With prolonged tension of the organ of vision, both the light-sensing and the motor apparatus of the eye can tire. In these cases, signs of accommodative asthenopia may appear , manifested in the form of aching in the eyes, dull pain in the orbit, headache, and sometimes temporary blurred vision. Fatigue phenomena are observed mainly in individuals with a significant refractive error. Phenomena of asthenopia during prolonged use can lead to a spasm of accommodation. Our studies, cited in conjunction with the medical unit of the Moscow Electric Lamp Plant , showed that installers involved in the production of radio tubes complain mainly about increased general fatigue and eye strain by the end of the day. In 13% of the examined, myopia was revealed with varying degrees of severity. Installers, upon admission to work, undergo a medical examination with the participation of an optometrist and, if there is a violation by the visual apparatus, they are not allowed into production. Thus, a decrease in visual acuity in them can be considered as a result of work associated with its prolonged tension. |

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